Hello and welcome to my website!
I recognise it can take courage to make the first step to engaging with therapy and my aim is to make this as comfortable for you as possible. Starting therapy can feel daunting, yet it can be life changing.
What brings you here?
You may be seeking therapy for a myriad of potential reasons, and I work with a whole range of personal difficulties and life events in a way which is tailored to you as an individual. Perhaps you are struggling with a bereavement or other losses, anxiety or depression, other mental health challenges, adverse life events, relationship or family difficulties, stress, experiences of trauma, an illness or disability, stress, or maybe you can’t yet put your finger on why you feel unhappy, lost and/or distressed and wish to explore how you can live a more fulfilling and authentic life. I work collaboratively with you to understand your difficulties and find a way to move forwards.

The benefits of therapy
The process of therapy can take several dimensions. Perhaps therapy with me will provide an opportunity to express your difficulties in a safe and understanding environment which will enable you to feel heard and help untangle what is going on for you. This could facilitate your self-awareness and understanding, supporting you to make sense of your feelings, thoughts and behaviours to increase your personal insight and perspectives, with a view to a reduction of emotional distress and greater quality of life. Maybe you wish to focus on changing some maladaptive patterns and habits, working towards workable solutions? Whatever you wish to gain, I’m committed to helping you explore and find fresh/deeper perspectives on both old and current areas of your life.
Take your first step
To take your first step, contact me to arrange a free no obligation 20 minute consultation via zoom or telephone to discuss your needs.